Lego Counter

Well this is not a necklace or earrings, but somewhat surprisingly the lego counter I created for my home turned out having some resemblance to my colorful happy jewelry, in the sense that it too is shiny and brightly colored!

Here is how this Lego counter was born:

My boys are grown ups now, and I was decluttering the game room. The Lego boxes were sorted by color, and I was inspired to use the lego pieces and put them together in a colorful way to wrap up my kitchen counter. Since they are made from high quality plastic, I thought this could be a good cleanable surface.

So I set down on the rug, and with some help from my son created a big Lego tower.

This Lego tower was then laid on our kitchen half wall.

Eventually it became a nice counter that is now being used as a colorful shelf.